Saturday, August 24, 2013


Last Monday I lost my job. I have done ok with the emotional eating. Actually the day it happened it was weird because the last thing I wanted to do was eat. Which isn't normal for me. Normally I would want to stuff my face. Instead I just wanted to run. Run out all the stress and scared feelings. Run out the sadness. Maybe "run away" from it? I don't know. I just wanted to be on the move beating the feeling out of my body. So that was a good thing.

So what's the bad? Well, I can't afford camp. And I am so worried and scared about what I will do without camp to attend. They push me to new levels. I am stronger and better with those workouts. And they motivate me to keep going. So what am I going to do without them? How am I going to be without them?

I'm scared to do this on my own. :(

UPDATE: I just realized I never updated so I will do it now. An amazing thing happened. I said goodbye to my fellow campers and explained why I was leaving. They rallied and DONATED camp to me! I got three months donated. And now I am doing some work for the Health coach and earning money to pay for camp. I LOVE my boot camp!!! ♥

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