Woke up this morning and when I got out of bed I saw a little head pop up and look at me. Miss S joined me for my morning and it was nice. She had some cereal and a cup of water while I had my elixir. WHICH when I went to make it I realized I had used up my lemons. I really thought I had left one for this morning but nope, used it. I have been through 20 lemons over the past 4 days!! I am going to have to buy stock in lemons at this rate. I will be buying a crate of them for the next week I suppose. LOL!
I went off to shower leaving S to her coloring. After I got myself ready and T up and ready I went to work making a smoothie for my breakfast. (No chia pudding since I am not working out today) Of course as soon as the blender started up T was there asking what I was making and laying claim to it. I made sure to make extra and got all 3 of us a cup to go.
Got to work and filled my water jug. I didn't make the electrolyte drink because of running out of lemons. At 9am I stopped for a snack of dates and sun butter. Based off the recipe I think you are supposed to use a fresh date but I couldn't find any so I bought the dehydrated ones from Sprouts then just spooned on a little sun butter mixture (has cinnamon and honey added).
When I was eating my dates I started thinking about my lack of prep this morning since I didn't have lemons. I didn't prep my drinks and such like normal. It was then that I realized I forgot to make and bring my cranberry flush. I will just have to have it a little late. Which means I have to leave a little early so I can make it home in time to make it and drink it before getting the kids and making it to their counseling appointments. *sigh* We are SO busy!
For lunch I had the soup from last nights dinner. I added salt, pepper and some garlic powder. It was good even if I added a little too much pepper. All day today I am dreaming of sandwiches. I really want it. I can picture it in my head. Turkey, cheese, lettuce, and tomato. Mmmm.... *sigh* The funny thing is I am not hungry. In fact my belly feels super full. Like bloated full. From all the water I am drinking. Doesn't mean I don't still want a sandwich.
1:00pm: For snack I had trail mix again. And as previously reported I don't have my cranberry flush with me. But I think I am only going to hang out at work for another hour and a half.
As for moods, I am feeling a little crabby and "spirited". Making "witty" remarks to friends on fb. Witty as in kind of biting. But nothing rude that would upset people. Also feeling bored but then, what's new? I AM at work after all. Is it 2:30 yet?
I left work at 2:30 and went home. I ate an apple and then had my cranberry flush. Then it was off to get T and S, drop T at their dad's and get S to her appointment. We had a good appointment and then met up with T and his dad at Chick-fil-a. I got a salad. God I wanted a chicken sandwich soooo bad!! We left there and came home for bed.
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