Friday, June 14, 2013

Pre-Detox and Pre-Push Up Madness

So I am starting a detox on Monday. I will be prepping this weekend to start. Meal planning, buying groceries, food prep. I am nervous. Nervous for failure. Nervous for lack of results. Nervous for finding time in my crazy schedule. The great thing is doing this with camp. Having support to help me. I just wish I had a chef to help as well. ;) So I was trying to get ready for this "food changing event" by eating even cleaner than usual. But I think today is going to blow that out of the water. I started my morning will a full fat bagel and cream cheese. Lunch I am meeting up with my stepdad. I would call it a Father's Day lunch but really it is just something we do every now and then and how do you pass up good sushi??? Then I had promised the kids pizza for dinner. Can you say high carb day?!?! *sigh* I will need to workout tonight. (I can't do boot camp on Fridays since the only camp time is 530am and I refuse to wake my kids at 4:30am to get there on time) Fingers crossed this detox helps reboot my system to get below 200. I hope, I hope!!

So besides a detox starting on Monday this was posted in our FB camp group:
Do your push ups officially suck? Does your upper body strength need a good swift kick in the a**? Or maybe you are pretty good, but need the next level. Great. Next Monday, June 17 - the RSBC program proudly launches the first ever 'Push Up Awareness Week', where we focus on getting you better at your nemesis, the almighty push up. Dear body fat, prepare to die. - Love, me. ;)
My arms have been hurting for the past few weeks. It all started with "gun show awareness week" and hasn't let up since. Since week was especially brutal on the arms. I think next week will be worse. I am scared and excited in one. LOL!!

So Monday starts the next step in all this process. Wish me luck. I will be using this blog as the food journal I am to keep during the detox. At least, that is my plan.

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