Saturday, June 22, 2013

Detox Day 6

I woke up early today. I was awake by 5am but dozing in and out. By 5:30 I couldn't fake sleep anymore and just got up. I don't know what got into me. I just could NOT sleep anymore. And I LOVE my sleep! So I got a little quiet time before the kids woke. (not much, just about 30 minutes)

I still haven't had time to get to the store for lemons. So I had my elixir sans lemons. Then, like the sleeping I just couldn't sit around any more. I had to be moving. So I cleaned the kitchen. Dishes done, scrubbed the counters, cleaned off the stove top. I saved the floors for later and moved into the bathrooms where I scrubbed the counters, sinks, and toilets. By 7"30am I had scrubbed things silly. Then moved onto the floors. Floors in the kitchen and in each of the bathrooms. Then moved onto laundry and vacuuming. I have crazy energy. I hope it holds up cuz next we are off to the waterpark. But first, I should drink my smoothie.

We had fun at the park. We got lunch while there. It was pretty scary and I was really bumming when we got inside and all that was on the menu was burgers, hot dogs, pizza and fried chicken. I was SO hungry and I was debating breaking the detox when my mom found some salads in the cooler. Whew! Saved. So I had a chefs salad without dressing.

I still have crazy energy and I'm already on the hunt for what to do after the kids are gone to their dads. I would love to go back to the waterpark but I don't have anyone that can join me. :-/ Also looking for stuff to do tomorrow. I wonder if I will still be this energized. I feel GREAT! J W was SO right when she said the elixir is like crack. I don't know if it is just the elixir or the whole detox but I feel so great!! :)

For dinner I made lettuce wraps. I added some steak which I don't think it on the approved protein list but I did it anyway. Sue me. They were very good. I felt a little stupid about my shopping list as I had written down sprouts but then in the store not knowing what recipe they were for I got alfalfa sprouts. Would have been better with bean sprouts. Oh well. they were still yummy and hit the spot.
My energy continued and before I knew it, it was 11:30 and I knew I should be getting to bed. I took a quick peak at the super moon and then off to dreamland I went. 

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