Sunday, June 23, 2013

Detox Day 7

So I woke up at 4am this morning. I got up and peed and then debated going to take a peak at the moon since they said it would appear it's largest at 4:30am. But I knew if I did that I would have NO chance of falling back to sleep so I just laid down again. luckily I DID fall back to sleep and I actually slept until 7:30.

I got up and had my elixir. Didn't have the energy I had yesterday and so I just kicked back on the couch for a bit. While chilling on the couch playing games and watching some TV I made a Summer Glow smoothie.

After I relaxed enough I got up showered and started my day. Did some planning for S's birthday party and then kicked on Pandora and off to the kitchen to do my food prep for the week. I paused around 11:30 for a bit and had a Dijon corn salad. Added some sprouts and avocado to it but didn't take a pic.

At 1:30 I stopped and made the Banana bliss for a snack. It was blissful indeed!! I loved it! I added a drizzle of honey to it and it was the perfect snack. I followed it about an hour later with the cranberry flush.

I finished all my prep. All in all I made 2 dips, 3 soups and sliced up some watermelon. Plus my butternut squash was so large I had extra to freeze. I also grilled 4 chicken breasts. Well, mostly grilled. I ran out of gas so had to bake them to finish cooking them. I can use those myself during the week and also for the kids to supplement their dinners.
SO pretty and colorful!
For dinner I made the Asian chopped salad. I was nervous because just before I made it, it received a poor review from another detoxer. The salad wasn't good but I agree the dressing didn't really go with it. I also had a chicken breast with it (not pictured).

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