Monday, November 18, 2013

Trying and failing

When I lost my job I envisioned the days with doing my workouts, lots of hiking, biking, walks, and other activities. Also having time to do all the healthy cooking I dreamed of doing. Unfortunately the lazies overtook my life. Instead there was a lot of TV watching, naps and quick grab crap foods. And I gained. I keep making promises to myself to get better. But after a few days I will fall off again.

Don't get me wrong. I am not giving up. I signed up for another boot camp contest. I also got the fall detox. And while I haven't been perfect with either of these either I am really trying. I am promising myself I WILL get better and I WILL beat this. And by that I mean ME. Myself. Because I am the only one holding me back.  So here I am to write and try to track a new leaf. Wish me luck.

So first let me show you a few things from detox. These have been really good!

This is a stuffed acorn squash. It was SO good! I loved this and will be making it again soon!

This is a roasted root veggie salad I had for lunch. Again, VERY good! I especially loved the veggies and they smelled so good while cooking. I couldn't resist and added them to my dinner that night too.

Here is the dinner I had where I included the roasted root veggies. I also had spaghetti squash with tomatoes. There is a little parmesan cheese sprinkled on top.

Finally, this is a smoothie I had fro breakfast over the weekend. It is apple pie and while I was delicious it just isn't the same as my usual green smoothie and I miss my greens. LOL!!

OK, now. Lastly I want to make myself accountable. Or at least try to. So here is my goals:
boot camp my usual M-Th.
Hike on T and Th
Bike on M and W
Friday rest
Weekends follow a workout on my board.
Also, complete the 30 day burpee challenge!!

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Last Monday I lost my job. I have done ok with the emotional eating. Actually the day it happened it was weird because the last thing I wanted to do was eat. Which isn't normal for me. Normally I would want to stuff my face. Instead I just wanted to run. Run out all the stress and scared feelings. Run out the sadness. Maybe "run away" from it? I don't know. I just wanted to be on the move beating the feeling out of my body. So that was a good thing.

So what's the bad? Well, I can't afford camp. And I am so worried and scared about what I will do without camp to attend. They push me to new levels. I am stronger and better with those workouts. And they motivate me to keep going. So what am I going to do without them? How am I going to be without them?

I'm scared to do this on my own. :(

UPDATE: I just realized I never updated so I will do it now. An amazing thing happened. I said goodbye to my fellow campers and explained why I was leaving. They rallied and DONATED camp to me! I got three months donated. And now I am doing some work for the Health coach and earning money to pay for camp. I LOVE my boot camp!!! ♥

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Auguest 2013

I didn't stick to the 2nd detox. I just couldn't take all the prep. I have been trying to eat cleaner this past week. I really fell off the wagon for a couple weeks. :( I am so disappointed in myself. I keep vowing to do better and then I just don't. It sucks. I really don't want to keep looking like this. And staying this weight but I just can't seem to keep myself accountable. Especially in the evening/night. Some days I feel like such a failure. But then I wake up the next day and keep trying. I just wish I could keep it up. :(

Anyway, today was weigh in and measurement day at camp. I also signed up for the body comp analysis. Results are posted below.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Detoxing again

I signed up to detox again. I don't think I will post daily like I did before. But I might post some pics of new things I try and if I like them. Or maybe if I have an off day. Since the last detox I haven't been doing great with my food. Between vacation and Savannah's party there was a lot of opportunity to slip. Plus I haven't had much time for grocery shopping and that has meant I am eating some unhealthier fair that I have in my house. Not crap. At least I am not running through McDs. But not keeping up with the veggies I should be eating either. :-/

I am in pre-detox, where I am working on eliminating things from my diet. Tonight I will get my menu plan and get my grocery shopping done. Gotta buy my million lemons. ;)

I did start the elixir again. I know I had planned to keep doing it but that plan few out the window. Now to get the rest of my eating in check. Working hard.

And in other news; With George changing his schedule around I am not sure about the Blast classes I was taking. We will have to see if I can fit them into this new schedule.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Post Detox transition and impending vacation

The transition phase is over. I have added everything back into my diet; even having a glass of milk last night, and have felt no ill effects. I am not feeling sluggish or any tummy issues. No bloating. Overall the experience was a great one and I plan to continue the healthy eating. I know I will be splurging a little on my vacation this week but overall will stick to clean eating and then may decide to jump back into "detox" mode when I get back into town to help my system with the splurges I DO have.

I have talked to B and we have made a pact to keep each other on track with eating. I know we will be doing a lttle drinking but I don't think it will be anything like our last epic weekend. This is more about relaxing on the beach and enjoying each other rather than partying it up.

I am also working on putting together some workouts for us to do. I talked a little to my trainor and he said just to keep it simple. Booo! That's no fun! ;) So I am trying to remember some of the different things we do at camp (wheel of torture anyone? lol) and make a plan of action. And even though we did sprints this morning I am keeping with my idea of sprints on the beach. How can I not take advantage of that situation? Hopefully I can talk B into doing it with me. I have a feeling she will chicken out. But if it is just me then oh well. I WILL get it done. So here's to seeing and talking to you next week!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Detox Day 11

Today is the last day of te detox. After this I will be in "transition". During transition we are to slowly (1 per day or so) add back in the items we eliminated from our diet. Dairy, grains, nuts, ect. And to pay attention to how our body reacts to these. While I am excited to be able to eat that stuff again, I am worried about what it might mean for me weight wise. I suppose I will just have to see.

So this morning I had my usual morning routine with drinks and workout and such. Then for my morning snack I had made a smoothie. I don't remember the name but it was watermelon, fennel, and mint. I hated it. So much that I couldn't even stomach drinking it. Needless to say I dumped it. I didn't even get a pic first.

For lunch I had tomato bisque and a salad. I wasn't a fan of the soup but it was decent. The salad was my own and didn't come from the detox menu but was still just fresh, real ingredients. It was awesome of course. I didn't even use any dressing.

For snack I had a very small amount of trail mix but I just wasn't in the mood for it so I put it away. I forgot about my cranberry flush until 3 so I drank it then.

For dinner I again fell off the "planned" meals. I made eggs with veggies mixed in. It was good. Too good. My kids were stealing my dinner again. ;)
This detox is now officially over, besides doing transition. She is offering another one mid July. We'll see.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Detox Day 10

Another day. Yay. Ok, I might be over this detox now. But up I got (15 minutes before my alarm) and got my elixir. Then get ready, prep, grab and go. Remembering to eat my pudding first. ;) BUT forgetting my probiotic like usual. *sigh*

This mornings workout was KILLER. a bunch of rounds of 15 seconds of work for 6 different exercises. Followed by an animal "minute to win it" (aka DUN). THAT was followed by a 5 minute scream of 5 second sprints. I thought I would be starving all day but surprisingly I wasn't. Post work out Vega of course.

9:30am: had a tropical juice I had prepped in the morning. It was pretty good. I enjoyed it. At first I forgot about the cucumber which is not pictured but did remember it by the end of juicing and it made it in the juice.

11am: for lunch I made a salad and tossed in some shrimp. I used the Dijon dressing. It was delicious.

In the afternoon I had my snack and flush. For snack I had the banana bliss. I can't seem to get enough of it. Seriously the best ever. I am totally in love with sunbutter. :)

When I got home from work my stepdad was here and him and I decided to go out for dinner. I got a salad of course. It had chicken but I had them leave all dressings off. Forgot about the corn thingys. Oops.

After I got home I was craving sweets so I made a green smoothie with some fruit added in. I also prepped stuff for my last day of detox. Whew!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Detox Day 9

I woke up feeling great but in a rush since the kids were home. I did the elixir, got ready, got the kids up and ready, hurried through making my smoothie and gathering all my prepped items. I almost forgot to eat my pudding but remembered at the last second and gulped down a few scoops of it. Then ran the kids to school where I got tied up talking to one of the teachers. I thought I was going to be really late to camp but got there in time to get set up and be ready to go on time.

After camp I had my Vega protein drink while on the drive to work. At 9:30am I had my smoothie and it was the best one yet. Just a repeat of the berry one but I added strawberries in addition to the blackberries, blueberries and raspberries. Also remembered to add the spirulina which is good. Also, I don't know if this made a difference but I used mostly coconut water with just a few splashes of rice milk at the end to thin it out a bit.
Lunchtime was at 11, as usual. I grabbed the butternut squash and apple soup that I had made on
Sunday. I didn't care for it. It would have been a lot better without the onions and garlic (which I was skeptical about when making it but followed the directions since R had laminated about ingredients serving a nutritional purpose). I think with those left out and some cinnamon added in it would have been good.
In the afternoon I had my flush first because I wasn't really hungry but an hour later I was so I had a banana bliss. I am still in love with that. ♥
After work I ran to Sprouts because I needed lemons, honey, and cranberry concentrate. I also bought some shrimp which I am going to cook up for tomorrow's salad. Then when I got home I was feeling veggied out so I had some chicken. Then I still wanted something but again, just really didn't want veggies. My body was still screaming for protein some a made a couple eggs and it hit the spot. Before bed I will make a veggie heavy smoothie and call it a day. Speaking of which I am feeling exhausted. I can barely keep my eyes open but I am working on getting the dishes done and my stuff prepped for tomorrow. I also want the sun to go down so I can sleep. lol! Yup, I will probably be in bed by 730-8. Good night!


Monday, June 24, 2013

Detox Day 8

Woke about 5 minutes before my alarm so I got up and headed out for my elixir. While making it I realized I hadn't made my chia pudding. So I made that too and then ran off to get ready. Came out and finished getting stuff together for work. When I ate the pudding it was still pretty soupy so I pretty much drank it instead. It was still delicious but I know it will be even better tomorrow.

For our workout today we did a Superhero workout. Channeling Superman, Spiderman, and the Hulk. It was fun. But then a funny thing happened after. After pouring some electrolyte in my water cup at work I screwed the cap on and actually split the METAL cap. Apparently I don't know my own superhero strength. LOL!

After the workout I had my Vega drink. I used rice milk and coconut water to make it. I think I am going to continue this post detox. (Not the Vega though - its just too expensive)

At 9:30am, for my morning "snack" I had some cucumber/grapefruit juice. It wasn't terrible but wasn't good either. I wont be doing this one again. :-/

For lunch I had the Asian chopped salad again.Still didn't care for the dressing. As I was about to eat it it occured to me that I should have just packed different dressing. DUH!!

Then at 1pm I wanted a snack so i pulled out and ate a few very small handfuls of trail mix. It wasn't really satiating me so I put it away.  20 minutes later I remembered I had brought beanless "hummus" (termed in the group as "Zummus") and some veggies. So I pulled that out. The zummus wasn't for me. I didn't care for it. Frankly I would rather have the real deal. It tasted (at least mine did) like creamy, oniony lime juice. Meh. I barely ate the zummus. I mostly ate the veggies; wishing I had packed more carrots. 30 minutes after that I had my cranberry flush. I'm feeling kinda Blah today but don't know if that is more to do with the detox, my impending period, or being back at work.

For dinner I made the "Bowl of Health with Orange Zest". I could have done without the orange zest. Just not a flavor combo I was excited about. I didn't think the kids would like it to begin with so I left it out of theirs. Then I did have about 2 oz of chicken with mine. I'm feeling tired tonight. I might make it an early bedtime.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Detox Day 7

So I woke up at 4am this morning. I got up and peed and then debated going to take a peak at the moon since they said it would appear it's largest at 4:30am. But I knew if I did that I would have NO chance of falling back to sleep so I just laid down again. luckily I DID fall back to sleep and I actually slept until 7:30.

I got up and had my elixir. Didn't have the energy I had yesterday and so I just kicked back on the couch for a bit. While chilling on the couch playing games and watching some TV I made a Summer Glow smoothie.

After I relaxed enough I got up showered and started my day. Did some planning for S's birthday party and then kicked on Pandora and off to the kitchen to do my food prep for the week. I paused around 11:30 for a bit and had a Dijon corn salad. Added some sprouts and avocado to it but didn't take a pic.

At 1:30 I stopped and made the Banana bliss for a snack. It was blissful indeed!! I loved it! I added a drizzle of honey to it and it was the perfect snack. I followed it about an hour later with the cranberry flush.

I finished all my prep. All in all I made 2 dips, 3 soups and sliced up some watermelon. Plus my butternut squash was so large I had extra to freeze. I also grilled 4 chicken breasts. Well, mostly grilled. I ran out of gas so had to bake them to finish cooking them. I can use those myself during the week and also for the kids to supplement their dinners.
SO pretty and colorful!
For dinner I made the Asian chopped salad. I was nervous because just before I made it, it received a poor review from another detoxer. The salad wasn't good but I agree the dressing didn't really go with it. I also had a chicken breast with it (not pictured).

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Detox Day 6

I woke up early today. I was awake by 5am but dozing in and out. By 5:30 I couldn't fake sleep anymore and just got up. I don't know what got into me. I just could NOT sleep anymore. And I LOVE my sleep! So I got a little quiet time before the kids woke. (not much, just about 30 minutes)

I still haven't had time to get to the store for lemons. So I had my elixir sans lemons. Then, like the sleeping I just couldn't sit around any more. I had to be moving. So I cleaned the kitchen. Dishes done, scrubbed the counters, cleaned off the stove top. I saved the floors for later and moved into the bathrooms where I scrubbed the counters, sinks, and toilets. By 7"30am I had scrubbed things silly. Then moved onto the floors. Floors in the kitchen and in each of the bathrooms. Then moved onto laundry and vacuuming. I have crazy energy. I hope it holds up cuz next we are off to the waterpark. But first, I should drink my smoothie.

We had fun at the park. We got lunch while there. It was pretty scary and I was really bumming when we got inside and all that was on the menu was burgers, hot dogs, pizza and fried chicken. I was SO hungry and I was debating breaking the detox when my mom found some salads in the cooler. Whew! Saved. So I had a chefs salad without dressing.

I still have crazy energy and I'm already on the hunt for what to do after the kids are gone to their dads. I would love to go back to the waterpark but I don't have anyone that can join me. :-/ Also looking for stuff to do tomorrow. I wonder if I will still be this energized. I feel GREAT! J W was SO right when she said the elixir is like crack. I don't know if it is just the elixir or the whole detox but I feel so great!! :)

For dinner I made lettuce wraps. I added some steak which I don't think it on the approved protein list but I did it anyway. Sue me. They were very good. I felt a little stupid about my shopping list as I had written down sprouts but then in the store not knowing what recipe they were for I got alfalfa sprouts. Would have been better with bean sprouts. Oh well. they were still yummy and hit the spot.
My energy continued and before I knew it, it was 11:30 and I knew I should be getting to bed. I took a quick peak at the super moon and then off to dreamland I went. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Detox Day 5

Woke up this morning and when I got out of bed I saw a little head pop up and look at me. Miss S joined me for my morning and it was nice. She had some cereal and a cup of water while I had my elixir. WHICH when I went to make it I realized I had used up my lemons. I really thought I had left one for this morning but nope, used it. I have been through 20 lemons over the past 4 days!! I am going to have to buy stock in lemons at this rate. I will be buying a crate of them for the next week I suppose. LOL!

I went off to shower leaving S to her coloring. After I got myself ready and T up and ready I went to work making a smoothie for my breakfast. (No chia pudding since I am not working out today) Of course as soon as the blender started up T was there asking what I was making and laying claim to it. I made sure to make extra and got all 3 of us a cup to go.

Got to work and filled my water jug. I didn't make the electrolyte drink because of running out of lemons. At 9am I stopped for a snack of dates and sun butter. Based off the recipe I think you are supposed to use a fresh date but I couldn't find any so I bought the dehydrated ones from Sprouts then just spooned on a little sun butter mixture (has cinnamon and honey added).
When I was eating my dates I started thinking about my lack of prep this morning since I didn't have lemons. I didn't prep my drinks and such like normal. It was then that I realized I forgot to make and bring my cranberry flush. I will just have to have it a little late. Which means I have to leave a little early so I can make it home in time to make it and drink it before getting the kids and making it to their counseling appointments. *sigh* We are SO busy!

For lunch I had the soup from last nights dinner. I added salt, pepper and some garlic powder. It was good even if I added a little too much pepper. All day today I am dreaming of sandwiches. I really want it. I can picture it in my head. Turkey, cheese, lettuce, and tomato. Mmmm.... *sigh* The funny thing is I am not hungry. In fact my belly feels super full. Like bloated full. From all the water I am drinking. Doesn't mean I don't still want a sandwich.

1:00pm: For snack I had trail mix again.  And as previously reported I don't have my cranberry flush with me. But I think I am only going to hang out at work for another hour and a half.

As for moods, I am feeling a little crabby and "spirited". Making "witty" remarks to friends on fb. Witty as in kind of biting. But nothing rude that would upset people. Also feeling bored but then, what's new? I AM at work after all. Is it 2:30 yet?

I left work at 2:30 and went home. I ate an apple and then had my cranberry flush. Then it was off to get T and S, drop T at their dad's and get S to her appointment. We had a good appointment and then met up with T and his dad at Chick-fil-a. I got a salad. God I wanted a chicken sandwich soooo bad!! We left there and came home for bed.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Detox Day 4

Another day! I woke up this morning with a little more pep in my step that the day before. Got my elixir down and got ready. Then I ate my chia pudding before I forgot. It was day 4 for the pudding and was tasting a little different so I think only 3 days worth of pudding is the right answer on that. Then off to camp I went! After camp I had my Vega protein drink.

9:30am: Today's juice is called Healthy eyes greed goodness... or something like that. I made it this morning instead of last night. (I was already 1 hour and 45 minutes into prep last night and I was done playing with fruits and veggies for the night. Plus since I didn't have the kids this morning I knew I had some extra time. It is delicious!!! I am excited for lunch. ;)

11:am: I was definitely hungry by the time lunch time rolled around. And for lunch I had a Sweet and Sexy salad. It was good. Not really a fan of the tahini dressing with it. But that may be because I am totally in love with the honey dijon. I may use that for all future salads.

1:15pm: I had trail mix for snack again. A little earlier than usual but I was hungry and craving it. ;) Then I followed up with my cranberry flush at 2pm.

6:00pm: For dinner I made the Mock chicken soup. But I did actually add some baked chicken to mine. Also, I didn't put it in the blender so it would be chunkier. It was good. Needed some more spice so I added more salt, pepper, and some garlic powder. This is the first meal the kids were not impressed with. They ate a few bites and then decided they were done.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Detox Day 3

Interesting thing about my binge yesterday. I woke up feeling like crap. I had a horrible taste in my mouth. My throat was full of snot as was my nose. I was sneezy. I was having bad allergies. Maybe it was a coincidence? Or maybe my body was having a histamine response to the bad food. I will have to see during transition. But definitely something to watch out for.

So after I brushed my teeth and got rid of some of the yuckies in my mouth I had my elixir. Then I showered and got ready for the day. I ended up so busy in my kitchen prepping my smoothie and making dressing for a friend I totally forgot to eat my banana chia pudding. :( I didn't realize it until I was on the road on my way to camp. I was worried about how I would do with the workout. Not only due to an empty belly but also due to the binge. It actually wasn't bad.

Post workout I had a Vega protein shake. It was yummy! I would definitely switch to this post detox if it weren't so expense. I can't afford $50 per tub of mix. :-/ But I did buy enough individual packets (at $3 per packet) to get me through the detox.

9:15am: I had the Blackberry/Strawberry smoothie. The Heath and Wellness Coach was raving about it last night. She hates avocados but loved how creamy it made her smoothie. I am loving it too! BUT I wish I would have added some more liquid. It is quite thick. I am starting to feel better. Eating these foods makes me happy. Don't know why I dropped the ball last night.

11:15am: lunch. I am having the sweet potato broccoli curry. It is good. Actually it is made with coconut oil. Having, in the past, decided to give coconut oil a whirl due to it's "magical powers" I had some in my cupboard. My previous attempts with it didn't go so well. I just didn't like the taste of coconut oil in my food. Which was weird since I really do like coconut. I was worried about today's lunch cuz once the oil started warming in the food I could smeel it. And the smell makes me want to gag. :( But I am happy to report I really don't taste it in the food. Now I just have to work past the smell...

I'm going to take a moment here to complain. This really has nothing to do with the detox. Other than the fact that we are supposed to be paying attention to our feelings. I am happy with the detox. And my feelings don't seem different in anyway. Except for being more annoyed with work than usual. I came in and slowly worked on the items that I have to do. Yet I was finished with my work by 9:30am. There is literally nothing left for me to do. When this happens I always debate on telling my boss. But I worry if he knew just how much downtime I really have I will lose my job sooner. Seriously, I have about 6-8 hours of TRUE work that I do each week. The rest is spent pretending to work. I was told at the beginning of the year that my job was going to be eliminated. And part of me wants them to just get it over with. But then I will lose money and health insurance so I am not looking forward to that either. *sigh* I'm just SO bored!!! I hate my job. :(

2:00pm: snack time

I made "trail mix" for my snack. It said to use toasted pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds but my Sprouts didn't have plain toasted ones. (They had "spicy" ones but I didn't want that nor thought it would taste good in the trail mix) But the raw ones tasted just fine. I loved this mix. I plan to try out other snack recipes but I have a large bag of this mix in my desk for days like yesterday. :)

5:30pm: Today is my mom's birthday and she wanted to go to dinner. So I met up with them and ordered a scrumptious chicken salad. It was delicious. Instead of the Chipotle Ranch dressing they offered I chose a citrus vinaigrette. I remembered too late that black beans were on the no list. :( Either way, it was a successful night out. And Happy Birthday Mommy!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Detox Day 2

I am getting nervous. This morning I didn't want to wake up. This is usually my first clue that my period is coming. I sleep like the dead and I'm SO over tired for 3-4 days before my period. :( We will have to see how this eating and not eating things works. Oh, and I am also bloated. Scale is up and pants were tight. *sigh*

Anyway, got up at 4:55am and had my morning elixir. Then got ready, got the kids ready, then had my chia pudding (5:40am). I was feeling really good and was actually running early for once this morning. Got the kids dropped off at daycare and off to boot camp.

This mornings workout was killer. I don't know if it was the workout and the heat or if it was the new diet but I was feeling woozy by the end of it. It sounded easy enough: deadlifts, squats, burpees. But add in a 30 lb sandbag and diminishing rest zones and it sucked! But I still loved it. That's the twisted part. Hahahha!

7:10am: After the workout I had a smoothie. I used the give it to me raw recipe and then added some hemp protein. And I discovered that even in a smoothie the hemp protein is still grainy and I could still taste it. Again, not that it tastes bad, it just tastes... I don't know. I would have rather tasted the berries.
(It was full but I drank half before I remembered to take a pic. )

9:20am: Now I am drinking my electrolyte water. It is MUCH better than yesterday. I melted the honey in warm water first, used sea salt, and added 1/2 extra lemon. :) I'm sure I will drink my whole jug today.

After yesterdays poor result with the Detox Pesto and having shopped specifically for my meals I didn't have a snack for this afternoon. I decided since I was so full yesterday morning I would be ok holding off until lunchtime and then have my juice in the afternoon. Around 9:30 I was rethinking that decision. But I did hold off.  

11:00 am: For lunch today I am having the Dijon corn salad again. I did go ahead and take a pic even though it is a repeat. This is better representation of the greens. ;) It is just as delicious as it was last night.I am a little bummed I forgot to add some Spirulina. I think I could use that protein today.

12:10pm: I'm having a hungry day today. I keep thinking about the juice in my fridge. I am debating on drinking it. BUT if I do and get hungry later then I will have nothing. I still have 4 hours of work left so I am trying to hold off as long as possible. *sigh*

1:15pm: Hydration 101 juice this afternoon. It was quite delicious! And my tummy was happy to have more in it. Except between all the water (I finished the 64 oz of electrolyte I brought and have continued to drink regular water after) and now juice my tummy if feeling kind of sloshy. About 30 minutes after I drank the juice I also had the cranberry flush so I am very full of liquids now. I will be peeing all afternoon. ;)

I am debating on skipping kickboxing today. I have to get some more grocery shopping done. And with all the prep time this detox takes I just don't know if I am up for it. I suppose I will see how I feel at 5.

Dinner: I blew it. I had a binge. I had fast food chicken and cereal with milk.  It wasn't "detox approved".  I felt horrible, fat, guilty, and ashamed after. I even debated lying here and saying I had what I planned. But that wouldn't be helpful. That would just be me lying to myself. And that does me no good. It doesn't allow me to move forward. And that is what I am going to do. I need to just move forward and stick with my plan. ♥

Monday, June 17, 2013

Detox Day 1

This first post is going to be pic heavy. After today I wont post pics of the items I repeat.

So far I think things are going pretty well. Yesterday I prepped my drinks for today and my lunch and dinner. I was so excited I kept waking up all night thinking about it. I finally got up about 5 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off.

4:50am: I went to the kitchen and tossed together my morning elixir. I debated prepping it the night before but decided it would be easy enough to make in the morning. It actually didn't taste bad! I drank it down and then went off to get myself and the kids ready for the day.

5:50am After we were all ready and before heading out the door I ate some banana chia pudding. I had made it the day before and it was perfect! I am used to having a greek yogurt in the morning so this was a perfect replacement. Yumm!!

I had to pack a bag to carry all my stuff. In it are my lunch, afternoon snack, cranberry flush drink, electrolyte drink, morning smoothie, AND after workout protein drink.

Here is my electrolyte drink. It is a big just of 8 cups of water, some juiced lemons, salt, and honey. I was disappointed upon drinking it that it didn't taste very good at all!! I guess sea salt is better than table salt and to use a little less than called for. Also, I think my cheap honey isn't helping. Fingers crossed tomorrow is better. I have added some water to make it more tolerable.

I didn't get a pic of my post workout protein drink. It consisted of coconut water, juice from 2 green apples I juiced myself, and hemp protein. I learned that hemp protein does not "dissolve" in liquid. It didn't' taste bad but was very grainy. I think I am going to see how much the Vega recovery drink is and hope it is affordable. The hemp protein I can use in my smoothies.

9:15am: I had my morning smoothie. Some banana, berries, greens, rice milk, and added Spirulina. It was yummy!!!

Lunch is an orange arugula salad. I didn't want it to get soggy before I ate it so I prepped it with the avocado whole and the orange together. Just pulled the orange apart and cut up the avocado. Oh, and the little container is the dressing. It was delicious! I also sprinkled on some Spirulina for added protein.

So far I am staying full. Every time I turn around it is time to eat again.  Snack time!

2:00pm: Cranberry flush. This was kinda sour and overpowering but also took care of my sweet tooth. *shrug* I actually liked it. LOL! Feeling happy.

2:30pm: Deliciously Detoxing Pesto Dip and veggies. I really didn't care for the dip. It was quite strong. I was bummed about the dip but just mostly ate the veggies.

About 1/2 hour after eating snack my legs broke out in hives. I don't know if it was dry skin, something I ate or otherwise. I will have to pay attention to see if it happens again. :(

Dijon corn salad. I did end up adding some chicken to this. Just 1/2 grilled breast. In the pic it looks like a lot of corn and not so much spinach and arugula but that is because I forgot to take the pic and started eating it. Plus T kept stealing all my arugula. I think he really liked it. :) I did as well and I am still very happy with the detox. I also made some more of the smoothie from this morning but cut back on the berries and added extra greens. I needed a sweet fix and it was perfect. The kids loved it too, especially Savannah.

Overall everything is going well. Now off I go to prep for tomorrow. :)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Pre-Detox and Pre-Push Up Madness

So I am starting a detox on Monday. I will be prepping this weekend to start. Meal planning, buying groceries, food prep. I am nervous. Nervous for failure. Nervous for lack of results. Nervous for finding time in my crazy schedule. The great thing is doing this with camp. Having support to help me. I just wish I had a chef to help as well. ;) So I was trying to get ready for this "food changing event" by eating even cleaner than usual. But I think today is going to blow that out of the water. I started my morning will a full fat bagel and cream cheese. Lunch I am meeting up with my stepdad. I would call it a Father's Day lunch but really it is just something we do every now and then and how do you pass up good sushi??? Then I had promised the kids pizza for dinner. Can you say high carb day?!?! *sigh* I will need to workout tonight. (I can't do boot camp on Fridays since the only camp time is 530am and I refuse to wake my kids at 4:30am to get there on time) Fingers crossed this detox helps reboot my system to get below 200. I hope, I hope!!

So besides a detox starting on Monday this was posted in our FB camp group:
Do your push ups officially suck? Does your upper body strength need a good swift kick in the a**? Or maybe you are pretty good, but need the next level. Great. Next Monday, June 17 - the RSBC program proudly launches the first ever 'Push Up Awareness Week', where we focus on getting you better at your nemesis, the almighty push up. Dear body fat, prepare to die. - Love, me. ;)
My arms have been hurting for the past few weeks. It all started with "gun show awareness week" and hasn't let up since. Since week was especially brutal on the arms. I think next week will be worse. I am scared and excited in one. LOL!!

So Monday starts the next step in all this process. Wish me luck. I will be using this blog as the food journal I am to keep during the detox. At least, that is my plan.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Year and a Half!

I can't believe how long it has been since I have had a post! So much has happened. I will do a brief recap. I completed my one month of boot camp by going every Mon - Thursday. It was hard but I loved every second of it. During December I stopped working out and wasn't eating the best either. By the end of December I realized I needed more to hold myself accountable. Working out at home had become too much of a chore and I wasn't pushing myself enough to get it done. I sold some items on CL and managed to purchase 6 months worth of boot camp with Curtis giving me a discount. Now here I am 6 months later. I paid for boot camp this month too. I am hoping to sell a bit more on CL and continue. In this time I have become so much stronger. I am still around the same weight but loosing inches all the time. I know if I just keep pushing eventually the weight will fall off. I have also taken part in 2 more mud runs. I did the Warrior Dash as well as the Gladiator Rock N Run in Irvine, CA. I am signed up to do the Gladiator again when they come in Phoenix in October. I am working with the Health coach at Rock Star Boot Camp and will be doing a detox next week. Hopefully this will help the weight start falling off. I know as soon as I can get over this hump I have been stuck on the weight is going to just fall right off. But for whatever reason my body is holding on and refusing to drop below 200. But I will get there. Oh! Also, I have signed up for Blast Fitness so on nights I don't have the kids and on weekends when I do, I can take some of their classes as well. So far I am doing Tuesday night kickboxing, Wednesday and Saturday Piyo, and thinking about doing Friday morning Spinning. :) What can I say, I am crazy! LOL!!!

A few measurments:

Weight: 211.4
R arm: 14 in
L arm: 14 in
Chest: 42.25
Waist: 37
Hips: 46.75
R thigh: 27.25
L thigh: 27.25

Weight: 206.0
R arm: 14
L arm:13.75
R thigh:27
L thigh:26.75

Weight: 204.8
R arm: 13.25
L arm: 13.5
R thigh:26.5
L thigh:26.25

And now for some pics:

Warrior Dash:

Gladiator Rock N Run Irvine, CA


UPDATE: Forgot about the Rock N Glow 5k...